Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Save on Prescription Medication Prices

 There has been a change in a lot of things since the pandemic. However, there’s one thing that has been consistent. The prices of prescription medications are still quite high. Even before the pandemic, Americans began to postpone their bill payments and got fewer groceries and late retirements.

On an average, adults in America do the following:

  • 30% do not fill a prescription
  • 20% switched to a supplement, OTC medication, or an alternative treatment
  • 18% consumed expired medication
  • 16% did not take the medication as prescribed
  • 15% cut pills in half and took half a dose without the doctor’s approval

Increase in pill quantity

A 3 month supply of medicines to treat chronic conditions vs. every 30 days may decrease out-of-pocket costs by up to 29%.

  • 44% of prescriptions examined during the study were prescribed as three-month supplies.
  • The average monthly out-of-pocket and total costs for one month’s supply were $20.44 and $42.72, respectively. The corresponding monthly expenses for a three-month supply were $15.10 and $37.95.
  • It represented a 29% decrease in out-of-pocket costs and an 18% decrease in total prescription costs with the use of three months vs. one month supply.
  • About 80% of people surveyed achieved cost savings from 3 months’ supply.

Get a high dose of medication

You can get a double dose of your prescription in one pill. You can divide prescription medications with a pill-splitter. Maintenance prescriptions for many chronic conditions like erectile dysfunction, diabetes, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, depression & anxiety, and blood pressure can be split in two.

You can also save money by paying for fewer pills at high doses and dividing them in half. Few health insurance companies also offer a formal program for splitting tablets. Apart from that, download the Rx discount card to save money. 

You can split most pills safely but ask your healthcare provider if it is an option for you.


Medication prices have always been high and did not go down even during the pandemic. Instead of choosing between taking medications, paying bills, or putting food on the table, options are available to save money on prescription medications.

Saving programs like Free prescription discount card can be helpful in reducing out-of-pocket costs.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

How to Find the Lowest Price Medications?

The exorbitant prices of prescription medications are quite common today. However, in this blog, we will help you in making the prescription medication payments more manageable while accessing coupons and discounts for hundreds of popular prescription medicines.

It is not a secret that there could be a huge disparity in the prices. It is possible for you to pay for prescription medications depending on where you are getting them from.

Here is a short guide that will help you learn all the ways in which you can save on your prescription payments also with discount pharmacy card.

Consistency in the pharmacy choice

Sticking to one pharmacy is not just a good idea for your prescription medications but also for any supplements and vitamins you intend to take. Most pharmacies participate in discount programs. In this manner, the more you purchase, the more you are put towards discounts on future purchases.

Try to purchase out-of-pocket

Depending on the prescription medications you need and the coverage your insurance is offering you, it may make more sense to pay out-of-pocket for a few specified medications. All you need to do is ask your pharmacist about the prices you will pay for your prescription medication without using your insurance plan vs. with coverage.

Save with a high deductible plan

As there have been new federal processes, it will be easier to find lower costs for specific medications like the ones which treat diabetes or heart diseases. You may be unable to take advantage of these lower costs before you meet the requirements of your insurance deductible.

Try prescription medication payment discount service

If you feel that the prices you are paying on your prescription medications are too high with your insurance or out-of-pocket, there is another outlet that can help you pursue in finding the saving on your prescription medication payments. free prescription discount card will help to save on medications.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Steps to Reduce the Major Health Risks

In the US, most people spend a lot of time sitting, which results in various health issues such as lower back pain and many more. We sit around when we read, watch TV, use a computer, eat, or drive. Many of us sit for hours while studying as well. However, the more time you spend planted on your rear, the shorter your lifespan is. So, before you read any further, you may want to stand up.

Sitting is a host of health problems

Eye-opening research links sitting for hours at a time. The researchers call it one of the sedentary behavior. It poses higher risks for type 2 diabetes, premature death, cancer death, and heart disease. Medicines cost less. However, you can save through an  Rx prescription discount card.

Sitting more among relatively inactive people correlated with more death due to heart disease and cancer. Other studies have yielded higher risks for ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, endometrial, breast, and colorectal cancer.

Role of exercise

If you sit all day but go to take a walk or go to the gym after work, it may not be enough. There is evidence that meets or succeeds the recommended vigorous to moderate-intensity exercise levels, which is 150 minutes per week. You can double the amount as it can help protect you from the toxic effects of sitting in one place.

As a person with a desk job, moving often could be tough. However, breaking up long swaths of time seated even for a few minutes can make a difference. Here is what you can do to sit less:

Take activity breaks every half hour

Make an effort to get coffee or water. This way, you will be forced to stand. Pace down or up or stand when you are on a phone call.

Watch your favorite TV shows

You must watch your favorite TV shows but don’t just sit there. However, instead of sitting, you can try riding a stationary bike, doing body-weight squats, emptying the dishwasher, folding laundry, or cooking.

Don’t spend all day on your computer

You must avoid spending your whole day sitting and working in one place; consider investing in a treadmill desk or a stand-up desk. It can help you cut back on your sitting time and stay on your toes more readily.

If you have any problem buying medicines costing you more than you expect, Download Free Prescription Discount Card. It can help you save more on medicines.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

5 Ways to Save on Your Child’s Asthma Inhalers

Wheezing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath, no parents want to see their child struggle with asthma. Unfortunately, it is quite common in children. According to the CDC, more than 5 million kids in the US have asthma. Kids are more prone to asthma attacks, and those attacks are more likely to land them in the emergency room.

Asthma medications can be costly for a few people. However, you get several options for taking some of the stings out of the prescription drug prices. Here are a few tips you can try.

Check out the insurance plan

If you have a health insurance plan, it is better to check the formulary first. It is the list of prescription and generic drugs covered by your plan.

If your child’s prescription is not covered, ask a doctor if they can prescribe a generic version or a different medication from the one they are on.

Ask more

You could save money by asking your doctor for a few changes to the prescription for your child. For example, you can ask your doctor to prescribe two quick-relief inhalers simultaneously and write the medication for a 90-day supply.

Compare prices with other pharmacies

Not all pharmacies charge the same amount for the same medications, even if you have insurance. You can call around to check the pharmacies for the best price. Otherwise, you can go to the RX discount card websites and look for the pharmacy which offers the lowest price on the specific medication.

Look for coupons

Even if your insurance can cover your child’s asthma medications, it may still not be affordable for you. The prescription discount card program works as an alternative to insurance which can help you save about 80% on medications.

Look for a patient-assistance program

If you struggle to pay for prescriptions, it may feel like no one has your back. But some groups want to help. These groups can help you find savings locally. In addition, a host of nonprofits and drug companies themselves offer copay-assistance programs.

If you want to save on prescriptions, Download Free Prescription Discount Card today!

How to Get Affordable Prescriptions With or Without Insurance

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