Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Save on Prescription Medication Prices

 There has been a change in a lot of things since the pandemic. However, there’s one thing that has been consistent. The prices of prescription medications are still quite high. Even before the pandemic, Americans began to postpone their bill payments and got fewer groceries and late retirements.

On an average, adults in America do the following:

  • 30% do not fill a prescription
  • 20% switched to a supplement, OTC medication, or an alternative treatment
  • 18% consumed expired medication
  • 16% did not take the medication as prescribed
  • 15% cut pills in half and took half a dose without the doctor’s approval

Increase in pill quantity

A 3 month supply of medicines to treat chronic conditions vs. every 30 days may decrease out-of-pocket costs by up to 29%.

  • 44% of prescriptions examined during the study were prescribed as three-month supplies.
  • The average monthly out-of-pocket and total costs for one month’s supply were $20.44 and $42.72, respectively. The corresponding monthly expenses for a three-month supply were $15.10 and $37.95.
  • It represented a 29% decrease in out-of-pocket costs and an 18% decrease in total prescription costs with the use of three months vs. one month supply.
  • About 80% of people surveyed achieved cost savings from 3 months’ supply.

Get a high dose of medication

You can get a double dose of your prescription in one pill. You can divide prescription medications with a pill-splitter. Maintenance prescriptions for many chronic conditions like erectile dysfunction, diabetes, thyroid disease, high cholesterol, depression & anxiety, and blood pressure can be split in two.

You can also save money by paying for fewer pills at high doses and dividing them in half. Few health insurance companies also offer a formal program for splitting tablets. Apart from that, download the Rx discount card to save money. 

You can split most pills safely but ask your healthcare provider if it is an option for you.


Medication prices have always been high and did not go down even during the pandemic. Instead of choosing between taking medications, paying bills, or putting food on the table, options are available to save money on prescription medications.

Saving programs like Free prescription discount card can be helpful in reducing out-of-pocket costs.

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