Monday, March 21, 2022

Prescription Drugs Abuse: Meaning and Prevention

Prescription drug abuse is a severe problem in the US. As per the National Institute on Drug Abuse, prescription drugs are not the second most abused substance after marijuana. The number of people addicted to prescription medications has increased in recent years. The side effects and risks of prescription drug abuse could be devastating.

You must understand the side effects and risks of prescription drug abuse and always get help if you or someone you know is addicted to the prescription medications.

Are medicines harmful?

Medicines are designed in a way that helps people to recover from injury and illness and improve health. But sometimes, medications may cause more harm than good. It is called a drug reaction.

Every medicine comes with the potential to cause side effects. However, an upset stomach or headache are some minor side effects, while heart problems or liver damage could be a significant issue.

The best way to avoid a bad reaction from medication is to take it as per the physician’s direction. It means that not taking more than the recommended dose helps you understand the prolonged effects of the drug and how long the results will last.

Meaning of prescription drug abuse

Abuse of prescription drugs means taking a medication in a dose or manner other than prescribed. You can get a discount on the prescription medication but only with the right doctor’s prescription. It doesn’t mean you can purchase however you want. Most prescription abuse is done with painkillers like benzodiazepines and opioids.

Risk of drug abuse:

·         Overdose

·         Addiction

·         Death from adverse reactions like heart attack

Prevention of drug abuse

You can do many things that can help you to prevent prescription drug abuse. The first is to always take medications as per the doctor’s prescription. You must never share medicines with others, even if they have the same condition. Always be aware of the potential for abuse – do not take a medication just because it makes you feel good.


While drug abuse may seem like an easy solution to many problems, many people must know about the potential dangers associated with the drug abuse prescription.

If you are looking for a discount on prescriptions, you can download free RX cards and get better deals.

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