Sunday, July 18, 2021

Best OTC Medicines for Mild COVID-19 Symptoms

The COIVD-19 pandemic has changed the lives of people globally. We keep learning new things about the virus every day, and scientists are testing various medications to find a treatment for COVID-19.

Even though there is no specific medication for the treatment of coronavirus, a few OTC Medicines may help you out.

Medication for the treatment of Fever and Aches

The most common COVID-19 symptom is fever. If a family member is suffering from fever, it can be treated with a pain reliever like Tylenol. Acetaminophen is an effective and safe choice to treat fever symptoms. It is also helpful in relieving muscle pains and aches along with other potential symptoms of the virus.

Cough medicine with Dextromethorphan

A dry cough is one of the most common COVID-19 symptoms. Alongside fever-reducing medication, OTC medicine can help to reduce your cough. Dextromethorphan is one of the most commonly used cough suppressants and is found in several OTC drugs.

You must avoid taking other drugs with dextromethorphan. If you are still experiencing cough after taking medication, throat lozenges or cough drops can help.

Nasal Decongestants

Stuffy or runny nose was less reported, but it was the reason for COVID-19 for some people. If you are suffering from nasal congestion, all you need is a free Rx card. You can get an OTC decongestant that contains guaifenesin like Mucinex. Medicines that contain phenylephrine helps in reducing swelling, pain, and the sinus.

Good time to seek medical attention for your symptoms

If your condition worsens or your symptoms do not improve after seven days, you must seek medical attention as soon as you can. Contact your healthcare provider if not an emergency.

If you have any of the following severe symptoms of COVID-19, seek medical attention immediately.
Stock up your Rx Medications Experts recommend that the individuals who take prescription drugs must have at least a 30-day supply on hand. You can get a discount on medications with free prescription drug cards. If you have a minimum-30 day supply, you must get them stocked up right away.

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