Thursday, December 15, 2022

How to Save on Common Pet Medications

Pet medication may cost too much because most pet owners don’t have pet insurance. We all love our pets and want them to live free of pain and sickness and live healthy, long life. However, the chance of them needing medications rises at some point. When your pet gets sick, you may get a bit shocked to learn about the expensive costs of prescribed medications.

However, you can find significant pet medication discount on the most commonly prescribed medications if you know where to look.

The Reason Behind The High Costs of Pet Medications

The major reason pet medications cost too much is that most pet owners need to possess pet insurance. According to the American Pet Products Association. People in the US are usually projected to spend more than $30-$40 billion on pet medications. Unfortunately, while pet insurance is at its growth and popularity, the Pet Health Insurance Association, the overwhelming majority of dogs and cats do not cover pet insurance.

The second reason pet medication could be expensive is that it may be attributed to the emergence of pet medications sold and formulated specifically for pets. Once the medications are specifically designed for pets, a generic human equivalent may no longer be permitted to prescribe to the vets.

Finally, the development cost of medicine for animals could be quite staggering. Since the approval process for animal-only medicines could be costly, it forces the manufacturers to raise the medicine prices to account for the expenditure.

How to Save Money on Pet Prescription

If you do not have pet insurance, it is better not to panic. There is always a way to save money, and in the case of pet prescriptions, most medications used to treat pets are helpful for humans. If your pet is prescribed medications, ask your vet if the medicine is indicated for humans. You can purchase the medication at a retail pharmacy if this is the case.

You can use pet discount card if you purchase the medications at a retail pharmacy. Using the prescription discount card can also help you save up to 80-85% discount on medications.

Ask Your Vet About Prescription Discount Cards

To determine about getting the discounted pet medications, you should start by searching for the pet’s prescription at the pharmacy that’s close to you. You can save up to 85% instantly by using best pharmacy discount card at nearby U.S. pharmacy. Download the card to your phone or print out the coupon. You can also ask your vet to send the prescription to the pharmacy.

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