Thursday, September 23, 2021

Do COVID-19 or COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Heart Damage?

About 20-30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 indeed showed heart problems. These patients tend to have worse health outcomes and severe symptoms. The health issue can happen due to the direct damage from the virus. It results in heart inflammation or the indirect effect of inflammatory proteins released in the bloodstream. Heart muscle inflammation (myocarditis) commonly results in heart failure or through uneven heartbeat (arrhythmia).

Association of COVID-19 with heart damage

COVID-19 has been associated with the inflammation of the vascular lining and an increase in the risk for blood clots forming in the small and large blood vessels, particularly in the lungs and heart. Blood clots and inflammation can lead to poor oxygen levels in these critical organs.

COVID-19 makes the right side of the heart work harder to pump the blood to the inflamed lungs filled with vessels and fluids with blood clots. The extra effort puts additional strain on the heart that causes right heart enlargement. The disease can show up as liver and kidney failure and leg swelling. Do not forget to take the medication and look for an rx prescription discount card free.

The long-term impact of COVID-19 on the cardiovascular health of patients

Most cases of myocarditis heal if the patient survives acute illness. However, in some patients, scar formation and cell death due to myocarditis, heart attacks, or damage to the vascular lining may also result in long-term problems, like rhythm abnormalities and heart failure.

Are heart patients at a high risk of developing severe COVID-19 symptoms?

Elderly patients and the ones with heart and vascular disease are at a high risk of severe COVID-19 and even death. High-risk patients include those with the following conditions:

1. Diabetes

2. High blood pressure

3. Obesity

4. Heart muscle disease (cardiomyopathy)

5. Coronary artery disease (CAD)

6. Heart failure

Is heart inflammation linked to the vaccine?

Rare heart inflammation cases were reported in teenagers after the COVID-19 vaccination. The cases have been self-resolving and mild. However, the chances to develop severe death and illness after COVID-19 infection is quite higher (2-10%). Take proper medications. You can also find the best Rx pharmacy discount card.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Best Muscle Relaxants for Back & Neck Pain

Spasms and muscle pain often pop up out of the blue and can seem to linger for far too long. It makes everyday activities difficult and sometimes even unbearable. Without the help of pain management medications, working through muscle discomfort can become debilitating. When muscle pain, commonly neck and back pain arises, and over-the-counter solutions are not providing enough relief, it is essential to know what prescription muscle relaxant options are available to you.

How do figure out the need for prescription muscle relaxants?

With the rise in muscle pain, it is common for sufferers to grab over-the-counter solutions like an anti-inflammatory. You can also try natural remedies like arnica with cooling gels and topical creams. While these are all proven to treat muscle pain, unfortunately, these drugstore options may leave you with long-lasting and serious muscle pain.

Related risks on taking muscle relaxants

Like most prescriptions, muscle relaxers come with their own set of risks and side effects. You must discuss your medical history and any other medications you take with your healthcare provider before you take prescription muscle relaxants. You can download a free prescription drug discount card for good discounts.

Common side effects to prescription muscle relaxers include:

1. Lower body pressure

2. Dry mouth

3. Dizziness

4. Drowsiness

It is recommended not to partake in activities like operating machinery, driving, and drinking alcohol when taking muscle relaxants. Some prescription muscle relaxants act as tranquilizers and it may impair motor and thinking skills. Additionally, muscle relaxers have the potential to be addicting to few people. Make sure that you talk to your doctor and be aware of these risks and how to use opioids for chronic muscle pain. While these prescriptions provide relief to intense muscle pain, side effects in some cases can negatively affect healing.

Top prescribed muscle relaxers

Below are a few of the best muscle relaxants for back and neck pain:

1. Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine)

2. Valium (diazepam)

3. Robaxin (methocarbamol)

4. Skelaxin (metaxalone)

5. Soma (carisoprodol)

6. Lioresal (baclofen)

7. Norflex (orphenadrine)

8. Dantrium (dantrolene)

If you are looking for better discounts on prescription medications, download Rx discount card.

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